Experteze Partnerships and Infrastructure Consortium

EPIC is a global consortium of companies and organizations in India, USA and RoW working together and sharing technical and business know-how on specific areas pertaining to the semiconductor eco-system and in the process coordinate our activities to best act in unison to reach our common goal.

Get Started

EPIC - Building a resiliant ecosystem for semiconductor research, development and manufacturing.

Our objective is to leverage our years of domain experience in the technology development and financial connections in the investment community to benefit the country. We are partnering with many other groups who share similar passion, commitment and sentiments to work together towards this common goal. Our business model is to establish a Kiretsu, by which collaborating partners can work together to benefit individually and collectively. It is a grassroots effort to build ventures in multiple verticals relating to the semiconductor ecosystem.

By being a part of the consortium, our partners can benefit by sharing:

  •    Access to customers and new business opportunities
  •    Access to finance and investors, financial resources
  •    Access to technology, support for technology development and consultation
  •    Access to field trial support
  •    Access to market, market leads and opportunities
  •    Access to market research
  •    Access to R&D and state-of-the art technology
  •    Access to talent, world-wide experts and training partners
  •    Global presence, support for foreign based business entities
To join our consortium please contact us.

Join EPIC Consortium

EPIC Partnership Categories

We have identified several categories where mutually beneficial partnerships can be established. These are:

Circuit Design Partners

Circuit design partners are involving in the design and implementation of application solutions at the circuit level using various software tools and applications.

Product Design Partners

Product Design Partners help formulate application level solutions and build products embedding circuit level solutions into marktable consumer products.

Sales & Marketing Partners

Sales and marketing partners are involved in identifying target customers and mobilizing markets for selling the products and solutions.

Finance Partners

Finance partners include investors and financial services professionals interested in providing financial related services in semiconductor space.

Process Materials & Infrastructure Partners

Process Materials Partners are involved in manufacturing the chemicals and other materials needed for the manufacture of semiconductors in the fab and ATMP/OSAT facilities.

Equipment Manufacturing & Infrastructure Partners

Equiment Manufacturing Partners are involved in manufacturing machinery and equipments needed in the manufacture of semiconductors.

R&D Partners

R&D Partners collaborate with us to identify research and development of new technologies and solutions.

Training Partners

Training Partners are involved in ensuring that we have a trained workforce and expertise to build, operate and maintain the factories efficiently.

Semiconductor Users/Customers

Our customer partners are companies using semiconductor chips and developing products embedded with semiconductor chips.

Strategic Partners

  • All
  • Circuit Designers
  • Product Designers
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Finance
  • Process Materials
  • Equipment Manufacturing
  • R&D
  • Training
  • Users & Customers


R&D Partner


R&D Partner

Semiconductors Fabrication

Wafer Processing

Design Chips and Devices

Healthcare, energy, transportation etc. areas

Chip Packaging

Wafer to products

Automated Testing & Verification

Chips, Devices and modules


Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in EPIC and Experteze Semiconductors. We have tried to answer some common questions here, and if you have any not answered here, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • What is EPIC?

    EPIC is the partner ecosystem of Experteze Semiconductors. It includes companies working together to help support each other as we make progress in building a global semiconductor design, manufacturing and marketing resources. It is based on the ground reality that manufacturing semiconductors is not a trivial task, and we need to work together for collective succeess.

  • EPIC membership can benefit your company in both tangible and intangible ways.

       Market leads and opportunities:

    If your company is a technology provider, you will be able to work with EPIC to identify suitable partners globally and work with them to market your products & services. If you are a marketing partner, you get access to new products developed by the technology partners to meet unique customer needs.

       Support for technology development and consultation:

    Experteze Semiconductors will work with the marketing partners in EPIC to identify, design and bring to market products based on appropriate and cost-effective semiconductor technology solutions.

       Financial resources:

    EPIC partners can provide referrals and recommendations to investors and financial professionals as well as identify ways to raise capital.

       Exposure to new opportunities, customers and state-of-the art technology

    EPIC partners support each other by identifying new market/product opportunities and customers globally. Development of new semiconductor products require access to latest technology, and our consortium can be a fertile ground for facilitating collaborations between partners.

       Global presence:

    EPIC partners are located in various countries, and provide a global focus and resource. This perspective benefits all the members of the consortium.

  • EPIC memberships are primary intended at the company level. There will be multiple levels of EPIC membership available.

    The basic level membership is free. This allows the members to participate in a forum to share information about their company and network with others in this eco-system. Basic level members can join our networking meetings to meet other partners. This is the best way to get to know the people involved as well as get a good idea of our activities prior to formally joining the group at a higher level.

    The advanced level membership is available by invitation only. We identify and select advanced level members based on the feedback and recommendation of the existing EPIC partners and based on their potential and willingness to contribute to the success of the group. The information about the annual subscription fees will be shared during the vetting process.

    Individuals can apply for individual level memberships.

  • Experteze Semiconductors has several teams working on various sub-projects in semiconductor fabrication space. If you are interested in any of these teams, please contact us at the email or phone number shown in Contact Page. We will get you in touch with the correct team lead and guide you.

    We also have regular weekly online meetings which are open to everyone interested. Please join us and you can get to know the people involved as well as get a good idea of our activities prior to formally joining the group.

    Experteze also has other initiatives which are for-profit/non-profit/hybrid ventures. Some of these may be especially applicable to the partner's line of business. You are welcome to join and participate in these Experteze initiatives without being connected with a specific Experteze joint venture or business.

  • EPIC is a consortium of companies working together. If your company is already a member of EPIC, you are welcome to participate in EPIC activities and initiatives.

    If your company is not yet a member of EPIC, please contact us and we will invite your company to join EPIC. You can also apply for individual membership in EPIC. Please contact us for further details.

EPIC Partner Job Openings

The following are the current job openings with EPIC partners.
To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to identifying the position you are interested in.
We look forward to hearing from you.

  • Experteze Semiconductors is planning to launch ATMP/OSAT Operations in India and is looking for a qualified Chief Technology Officer to lead the project planning and implementation activities.

    The selected candidate will have several years of demonstrated experience in planning and managing the design of ATMP/OSAT facilities and ability to opeationalize the plans. Prior work experience in similar infrastructure facilities is required.

    The compensation will be commensurate with the experience and qualifications of the candidate.

  • Experteze Semiconductors is planning to launch Fab, ATMP/OSAT Operations in India and is looking for a qualified Chief Financial Officer to manage the financial and investment needs of the company.

    The selected candidate will have several years of demonstrated experience in managing the financial aspects of the company, attracting and managing investments from external sources, and budgeting Experteze projects. Prior work experience in similar environment is required.

    The compensation will be commensurate with the experience and qualifications of the candidate.


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+1 626 399 1843